Congratulations to the 2023 CO-CABE Educator and Advocate Award winners!
Submit Proposal Attendee Registration Exhibitor Registration PROPOSALS ARE DUE NOVEMBER 27TH BY MIDNIGHT The presentations for this conference should relate to the topics below. - Elementary education -Secondary education- Social…
Awards Forms and descriptions here Each year the Colorado Association of Bilingual Education recognizes outstanding leaders and advocates for emerging bilingual students. Awardees are nominated by fellow colleagues and community…
2019 Contest has ended. Winners will be announced soon! CABE "Proud to Be Bilingual" 2019-2020 Essay Contest Orgulloso(a) de ser bilingüe/Proud to Be Bilingual 2019-2020 Essay Contest Rules DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF ESSAYS:…
CABE 2019 CABE Awards Gala Purchase Tickets NOW! October 11th7:00pm-9:00pmDoubleTree Hotel, Westminster Colorado Celebrate the amazing advocates for our Emerging Bilingual students. The CABE Awards honor the hard work, advocacy, passion, commitment, and…
Online registration is closed. Late registration is available until Feb. 1. See instructions below. When: February 6th and 7th, 2019 Where: University of Colorado at Boulder University Memorial Center, 1669…