Apoyando a Nuestros Estudiantes en Casa / Supporting Students at Home Webinar

School closures have brought unique challenges for all students. In this online Spanish-language webinar, educators and health providers from different parts of the world will share ideas for Spanish-speaking families looking to find ways to support their children's learning experience in the midst of the pandemic. Equity & Family Engagement: Socorro Herrera, Professor of Curriculum […]

¡Sí se puede!: Teaching and maintaining oracy in an era of online learning

Virtual Event Virtual Event

  ¡Sí se puede!: Teaching and maintaining oracy in an era of online learning   Presented by: Dr. Susan Hopewell, Associate Professor; Equity, Biliteracy, & Bilingualism University of Colorado Boulder   Join Dr. Hopewell in gaining a deeper understanding of oracy and why it is important.  This session will also highlight some strategies and online platforms […]
